Victoria Zchommler
Victoria Zschommler is a still life, beauty and fashion photographer who splits her time between Australia, France and the UK.

Victoria’s feminine style is refined. She balances considered detail and colour compositions, melding her love for art, culture and still life paintings. Victoria’s work delves into her fascination with flowers and organic matter, picking apart their own unique personality and obscure beauty. Exploring the passing of time and capturing the life (or death) these elements hold in a still life setting.

About A Day (Diurnal Rhythms), is a transitioning; an eerie juxtaposition of the coolness of sunrise, with the ripe heat of midday and the desaturated, subdued twilight. Created in partnership with Melbourne florist Lottie Phillips, the series tracks the journey of organic matter and moments, featuring Lottie’s minimal and hauntingly supernatural arrangements.

Half Light
